• Sinus Surgery

    Dental implants are a great, innovative way to replace teeth, but sometimes there isn’t enough bone to support the implant. In this case, your doctor might recommend sinus surgery. Sinus surgery, also known as a sinus lift, is a bone grafting procedure that will augment and strengthen your jaw bone

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  • Sleep Apnea in Children

    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by the recurrence of interrupted breathing during sleep and results in a chronic lack of deep, restful sleep. When adults have this disorder, they are likely to experience daytime sleepiness, but when it occurs in children, they are more likely to have behavioral

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  • Smile Makeover

    When you’re happy with your smile, you’re able to greet the world confidently, both personally and professionally. Concerns about your smile can undermine that confidence. If you’d like to correct imperfections in your smile, cosmetic dentistry can transform your look and your outlook with innovative

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  • Snoring and Sleep Apnea

    Is it snoring or sleep apnea? Snoring occurs when soft tissues in the throat area relax during sleep, partially blocking airways and vibrating with the passage of air. It’s this vibration which causes that distinctive snoring sound. If you’re one of the millions of people who snore, you know how

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  • Space Maintainers

    One of the many functions of baby teeth is to hold space for the adult teeth that will eventually push them through. When baby teeth are lost prematurely, the permanent teeth that are coming in on either side can actually drift into the space that was reserved for another tooth. This can cause teeth

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