• Orthodontic Retention

    Getting your braces off is definitely a cause for celebration. You can finally enjoy your new smile after all that work and effort! But getting your braces off isn’t the end of treatment. Once your braces come off, you will enter the retention period of treatment. During the retention period, you will

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  • Osteoporosis and Oral Health

    Our bodies keep our bones strong by absorbing old bone cells and replacing them with newer and stronger bone material. Osteoporosis is a condition that occurs when we absorb more bone than we replace, resulting in weakened bones. Osteoporosis can affect any part of the body, including the jawbone, and

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  • Periodontal Disease

    Periodontal (gum) disease, also known as periodontitis, is a bacterial infection that inflames the soft tissue around your teeth and becomes more severe if left untreated. Over time, gum disease will erode the bone that supports your teeth, leading to mobility and tooth loss. Gum disease is quite common,

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  • Periodontal Flap Surgery

    Periodontal flap surgery, also known as gum flap surgery, reduces periodontal pockets, which develop below the surface of your gum line in the advanced stages of gum disease. These pockets fill with bacteria, tartar, and plaque, and attack your gum and bone tissue. Periodontal pockets cannot be reached

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  • Periodontal Therapy Procedures

    Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease or periodontitis, is a bacterial infection that inflames the soft tissue around your teeth and becomes more severe if left untreated. Over time, gum disease will erode the bone that supports your teeth, leading to tooth mobility and loss. Depending on the

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