• Root Canal Treatment

    Every tooth has two sections: a crown, the visible part of the tooth above the gum line, and one or more roots, which anchor the teeth within the jaw. Each tooth has three basic layers: an outer layer of hard enamel (which protects the crown) or cementum (which covers the root), a middle layer of softer

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  • Root Canal Treatment for Children

    If your child’s baby tooth suffers extensive decay, infection, or trauma, damage to the tooth’s pulp can occur. Pain, visible decay, darkened enamel, sensitivity, redness, pus, or a pimple-like spot on the gums can be symptoms of pulp injury or infection, and should be evaluated by a dentist immediately. Pulp

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  • Tooth Sensitivity

    Drinking hot and cold beverages, eating sweet or acidic foods, brushing your teeth, breathing through your mouth, biting down—if any of these normal activities are causing you pain, you’re probably experiencing tooth sensitivity. Tooth anatomy helps explain why teeth can become sensitive: Enamel

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  • Whitening Traumatized Teeth

    When it comes to cosmetic dental treatments, teeth whitening is the most popular because it offers a simple, safe, and effective way for you to achieve a better smile. However, the teeth whitening procedure can be more challenging depending on the condition of the teeth. Traumatized teeth, due to sports

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